What (fabric sizing) is it and where should I put it?


I am currently entering all my fabric and I am going through my small pieces and have a question regarding some I purchased ages ago.

It is quilting fabric and is 50cm wide x 112cm long but I am not sure if it fits any quilting term i.e fat quarter etc under the precut section (what constitutes a precut)?

If not, where is the best place to put it. It was bought with the intention to sew a basket (so didn’t happen), so it isn’t for garments.


Hi @Stephanie :wave:t3:, I’m not a quilting maker. But, for me I’d select Remnant + use the Length + Width box/fields rather than Pre-cut. Then I’d make a note in the description for myself too :smiling_face:.


Thanks @ClaireSews - this makes more sense (to me) - I too am not a quilter and wouldn’t know what a fat quarter etc was :smile:

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@Stephanie you’re most welcome :blush:

Hi Stephanie - it sounds like the fabric is half a metre in length. Most quilting fabric is 112/115 cm wide.

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Under “precuts” is there a ‘long quarter’ option? Quilring cottons that are 50cm/ ½yrd by width of fabric is usually sold as a long quarter

@Donnas_sewing_room yup, there is a Long Quarter option in the drop down menu for Fabrics under the Precuts button on each recird :smiling_face:

So, @Stephanie from @Donnas_sewing_room’s comment

:point_up_2:t3: you may have a “Long Quarter” precuts there :smiling_face:.

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